About Wizzard Worms

Wizzard Worms is a family-owned and administered vermiculture and worm farm business, with headquarters at Greytown and with a research farm at Rietvlei, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (between Mooi River and Greytown). We breed earthworms, conduct worm farm and production trials in our half hectare vegetable garden, and assemble and use a variety of worm farms for sale to consumers.
Our company has spent almost a decade developing and researching our custom-built worm farms, earthworm products such as vermicompost and worm wee or vermileachate, and their application to farming operations. We continually improve our methods and product offerings, and manufacture worm farms of all sizes and for all applications. These range from domestic to commercial use and to large-scale farms in agriculture. We can supply most worm farm components and advise on production best practices.
Wizzard Worms also provide comprehensive instructions on the construction,com missioning, harvesting and maintenance of worm farms, and the application and use of liquid worm wee (plantonic) and vermicompost produced. We are also happy to provide Quotations and Proposals when so requested.
Our company has benefited from assistance received from Cedara Agricultural College, The Sugar Research Station and the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and our products and services thus have a sound intellectual foundation.
Visitors wishing to view units or requiring information prior to purchase should contact us.
Useful Information
Many hotels and schools are recycling kitchen and garden waste using worm farms and advice obtained from Wizzard Worms.
It is clear that they are leading the way in protecting our environment and at the same time have benefitted by significantly improving the appearance of their gardens and grounds after using their own farms’ byproducts, namely worm wee and worm compost
Read MoreA worm farm is an easy, cheap and efficient mechanism for converting organic waste into liquid feed (worm wee or vermileachate) and rich organic compost (vermicompost), using the natural action of earthworms.
Each worm farm houses a large number of rapidly breeding earthworms whilst they process organic waste.
Earthworms are living waste disposal units and are efficient at processing organic waste and producing a “black gold” -- vermicompost. In the process worms increase crop yields and enhance soil health and fertility.
Earthworms could greatly benefit agriculture and farmers of all kinds by revitalising soil and reducing fertiliser costs. Worms can increase the yield in orchards, tree plantations and grass pastures.
Support & Advice
Wizzard Worms is well versed in the wormery and worm famring industry. We offer genuine ongoing support to all our customers and are only too happy to offer advice on any aspect of your worm farm, the harvesting from and upkeep of the farm or any other relative information.
Please make use of the form below whould you wish to contact us for any queries.