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  • Doggy Pooh Worm Farm

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    Wizzard Worms have spent two years developing a remarkable worm farm to deal with the enormous problem of unwanted dog pooh. Only worm casts are produced, and the end result is compost for your garden!


  • Domestic Kitchen Waste Worm Farm

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    A five tiered system, easy to operate and harvest the vermi-compost and producing About one litre of worm wee per week.
    Handles kitchen waste and includes one carton of worms


  • Eisenia Fetida

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    Commercial or Industrial Worms.

  • Garden worm farm 50 Litre

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    Designed with some increased capacity to cope with some garden waste as well as the kitchen waste 


  • The Wiz Worm Farm

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    Our WIZ WORM FARM is ideal for one person great for use on balconies and can be easily operated by beginners and even used for school projects...
